Week 8 - More RNNs

8a - A brief overview of “Hessian-Free” optimization

8a-02 - How much can we reduce the error by moving in a given direction?

  • If we choose a direction to move in and we keep going in that direction, how much does the error decrease before it starts rising again?
    • We assume the curvature is constant (i.e. it’s a quadratic error surface).
    • We Assume the magnitude of the gradient decreases as we move down the gradient (i.e. the error surface is convex upward).
  • Maximum error reduction depends on the ratio of the gradient to the curvature
  • ratio of gradient to curvature
    • the first error bowl has low curvature, so ratio of error gradient to curvature is high
    • the first error bowl has high curvature, so ratio of error gradient to curvature is lower

8a-03 - Newton’s method

  • The basic problem with steepest descent on a quadratic error surface is that the gradient is not the direction we want to go in.
    • If the error surface has circular cross-sections, the gradient is fine.
    • So lets apply a linear transformation that turns ellipses into circles.
  • Newton’s method multiplies the gradient vector by the inverse of the curvature matrix, H:
  • On a real quadratic surface it jumps to the minimum in one step.
  • Unfortunately, with only a million weights, the curvature matrix has a trillion terms and it is totally infeasible to invert it.

8a-04 - Curvature Matrices

8a-05 - How to avoid inverting a huge matrix

8a-06 - Conjugate gradient

8a-07 - A picture of conjugate gradient

8a-07 - What does conjugate gradient achieve?

8b - Modeling character strings with multiplicative connections

8b-02 - Modeling text: Advantages of working with characters

  • 00:00
  • complications of pre-processing
    • morphemes - prefixes and sufixes
    • subtle effects like "sn" words for nose related things
    • New York
    • Finnish long words

8b-03 - An obvious recurrent neural net

8b-04 - A sub-tree in the tree of all character strings

8b-05 - Multiplicative connections

8b-06 - Using factors to implement multiplicative interactions

8b-07 - Using factors to implement a set of basis matrices

8b-08 - Using 3-way factors to allow a character to create a whole transition matrix

8c - Learning to predict the next character using HF

8c-02 - Training the character model

8c-03 - How to generate character strings from the model

8c-04 - example

He was elected President during the Revolutionary War and forgave Opus Paul at Rome. The regime of his crew of England, is now Arab women's icons in and the demons that use something between the characters‘ sisters in lower coil trains were always operated on the line of the ephemerable street, respectively, the graphic or other facility for deformation of a given proportion of large segments at RTUS). The B every chord was a "strongly cold internal palette pour even the white blade.”

8c-05 - Some completions produced by the model

8c-06 - What does it know?

8c-07 - RNNs for predicting the next word

8d - Echo state networks

8d-02 - The key idea of echo state networks

  • (perceptrons again?)

    8d-03 - Setting the random connections in an Echo State


    8d-04 - A simple example of an echo state network

    8d-05 - Example from Scholarpedia

    8d-06 - The target and predicted outputs after learning

    8d-07 - Beyond echo state networks

Week 8 Quiz

Week 8 Vocab

  • TBD

Week 8 FAQ

  • TBD

Week 8 Other



  • TBD

Week 8 People

Ilya Sutskever

  • has shown that if weights are initialized using echo state network methods, RNNs can be trained very effectively, by using rmsprop with momentum.

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